Veterinary Services
Pet Spay & Neuter
Learn more about our pet spay & neuter services below.
Pet Spay & Neuter
Spaying and neutering can protect your pet from serious health and behavioral problems later in life.
It also helps control the stray animal population.
Pet Spay & Neuter
Spaying or neutering reduces the risk of:
Uterine disease
Known as pyometra, this potentially life-threatening condition in which there is an infection in the uterus, can be very expensive to treat. It is 100% preventable if your female is spayed.
Mammary tumors (breast cancer)
Over one-half of all mammary tumors are cancerous and can spread to other areas of the body in an unspayed female. Early spaying, prior to your female beginning her first heat cycle, reduces the incidence of this type of tumor formation to zero.
Testicular problems and cancer
This cancer, as well as prostatitis (an infection causing swelling of the prostate), can be avoided with early neutering. Benign prostatic hypertrophy, where the prostate grows in size and causes pain and trouble urinating is also eliminated in the neutered dog.
Behavioral problems
Unwanted behaviors, such as dominance aggression, marking territory, and wandering, can be avoided with spaying or neutering.
There are more puppies and kittens in shelters than there are people willing to provide them with love and care. Sadly, many are euthanized. Spaying and neutering your pets can help reduce the number of animals in need of homes.